
The series Entropy is an exploration that draws inspiration from the intricate dynamics of the second law of thermodynamics. While primarily associated with physics, the concept of Entropy has also found relevance in the context of social systems. In our ever-changing world, social systems often face challenges when they fail to accommodate new ideas. This, in turn, leads to social upheaval and discourse, which we witness in various forms today.
As we navigate through life, we are constantly presented with the choice of either resisting or embracing change. The energy we expend in resisting change only amplifies the dispersal of energy, further exacerbating the breakdown of social systems. It becomes crucial, therefore, to introduce new energy into these closed systems, reducing the likelihood of their degradation. Society, by its very nature, is subject to constant evolution and transformation, with the old demanding change in its breaking down state. It is through the willingness to consider alternative ideas and embrace new energy that we can salvage and rejuvenate these systems.
Preserving old systems does not necessarily require forsaking progress. Instead, a positive alternative can be found through compromise and openness. By introducing new thoughts and energy, we create a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. It is in this delicate balance that we find the potential for growth and revitalization.
The painting process itself is a manifestation of evolving energy and the transformation of matter. My work is not solely dictated by my intentions but is deeply intertwined with the natural processes at play. Through adhering to the stages of entropy, I witness the transformation of organized matter into a breakdown of order. The once pristine white canvas gradually gives way to the dispersal of paint and metal leaf into mediums, showcasing the degradation of matter. Yet, from this apparent chaos, I find inspiration to reorganize, reshaping the components into new forms or a reordered version of their former selves.
Sales for the Entropy series will soon become available. Stay tuned as we prepare to unveil these works that embody the perpetual dance between order and chaos, embracing the interplay of energy and evolution.

These 36" x 36" oil paintings are all part of an on going series, from Entropy to Liquid.